Lapis Legit

This cake was the first one I tried when I first stepped in to the kitchen on my 5th grade era. Failed miserably. I sat and stared at the cake. Tried to figure out what I did wrong. I told myself, not again. Never ever make this cake. Ever .. In my adult era, I…

Cake cake cake

It’s fall and it started to get cooler. You know what time is that, right? BAKING time! Yayyyy… not sure why but the fall season seems to be perfect for baking. So many goodies in mind so little time. In this weird Covid-19 era, where we all try to survive, to live our life to…

Pandan chiffon cake

This pandan flavor is big in Asia. We use so many of this pandanus leaves in our cooking. Mostly desserts. Chiffon cake with pandan flavor is one of the most love. Maybe because we grow up having this soft and fluffy cake. We use pandan sometimes when cooking our rice, to get that fragrant. You…

Blessing in life

It’s been a while since my last post here. Life have been hectic since before Thanksgiving. Between work and life in general. From stress at work due to the holiday and issue with people at work, to the holiday craziness. But everything that happened, I believe happened for a reason. I might not the most…

Not a white Christmas

Texas ya’ll! No white Christmas. As always we spend our Christmas at my mother in law’s. We eat, open presents and then game while having our dessert and coffee. As the kids are older, teenager stage here, I found gifting is a challenge. It’s not as easy as before. Well when they were young Santa…

What’s cooking

Instant pot still is my best friend. I seriously rarely use my stove. Instant pot is my number one. Then air fryer and my electric wok. Before I move on to what’s cooking these days, I need to praise Instant pot and Cuisinart for their service. I had an error with Instant pot before that…

The kitchen never sleeps

That’s what some of my friends said. My kitchen never sleeps. Well I work from home. My “office” is few steps away from my kitchen. I love cooking, baking anything kitchen activities. Well not into cookies much though. I like easy process. Fast and simple. If I found a recipe that takes a long time,…

Lapis Legit

What is kue lapis legit ? My answer is a very rich thousand layers cake that so rich and yummy and dense yet melt in your mouth and you do not want to know what makes it oh so darn good and sinfulicious. That and the spekkoek spices aroma as you eat them layer by…


Had a semi productive day yesterday and today. Had a good meeting with client and stayed until 4 in the office with so much work done. It was pouring when I left work, then stopped and poured again. Stopped by at Wal-Mart after picked my husband up. I went in to get stuffs for my…

Happy new year! Welcome 2017!

Happy new year! Cheers to a better year! Tradition ia we have to have some blacked eyed pea for the new year. So we went ti Walmart last night to grabbed some. Whilst we were there, B overheard a couple where the wife got pretty upset with her husband as they could not find any…