God’s given breadmaker

I was asked to do step by step making bread or sweet rolls using God’s given breadmaker a.k.a. hands. So here is the process in the video The ingredients: 550 gram bread flour 50 gram milk powder 90 gram sugar 210 ml warm water 11 gram yeast 1 Tablespoon sugar 2 eggs 75 gram butter…

The kitchen never sleeps

That’s what some of my friends said. My kitchen never sleeps. Well I work from home. My “office” is few steps away from my kitchen. I love cooking, baking anything kitchen activities. Well not into cookies much though. I like easy process. Fast and simple. If I found a recipe that takes a long time,…

Just gotta utilize my Instant Pot

Yepp that title really said it all. That’s what I always think whenever I read a recipe or want to make something. How can I do that in Instant Pot. Not that I hate my stove,  no no no. Don’t want to let the stove heard that. I still need her for my baking, or…

Kue Cubit

Kangen sama kue cubit, nyari nyari resep online gak jelas mana yang enak..so found one from Femina online today di coba follow exactly as it is in the recipe. Was not bad but I don’t think it’s the same with kue cubit I had…kind of hard try to remember ow it taste, the texture and…

Martabak Manis

  Ingredients: BAHAN : 500 gram tepung terigu 1 sdm susu bubuk 1/2 ragi instant 1/2 sdm soda kue 1/2 sdt baking powder 50 gram gula pasir 1 sdt garam 1 butir telur 1/2 sdt vanili bubuk 400 ml air Isi : mentega, kacang tanah, gula pasir, mesyes, keju atau durian dan susu kental manis….

Putu Bihun – Sweet Rice Noodle with brown sugar coconut milk sauce

Ingredients: 500 gr bihun 3 gelas santan kental 4 gelas air panas 100 gr gula pasir pewarna makanan 1 sdt garam 2 lbr daun pandan 1 sdm tepung kanji, larutkan dengan 1/2 gelas air Directions: Rendam bihun dengan air panas selama ± 30 menit. tiriskan Rebus santan, pewarna makanan, garam dan gula Bila santan sudah…

Dadar Ijo – Crepes with sweet coconut filling

Salah satu jajanan pasar yang selama ini gue pikir susah bikinnya ternyata mudah sekali. Ingredients: Kulit: 150 gram tepung terigu 1 butir telur, kocok 1/4 sendok teh garam 25 cc air daun suji/pewarna hijau 200 cc santan Isi: 150 gram kelapa parut 150 gram gula merah 100 cc air 1 lembar daun pandan 1/4 sendok…

Kue Pisang / Nagasari / Banana Rice Pudding

  Indonesian snacks I grew up with. Made with rice flour and coconut milk, with plaintain banana slice filling then wrapped in banana leaves and steamed. Jajanan pasar yang ternyata gak repot bikinnya…gurih … Ingredients: 1 lbs rice flour 2 1/2 oz corn starch 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon of salt 5 pieces pandanus…