Donat pisang – banana donuts

As usual we have couple overripe banana. And as always it turned into banana bread.

This time, I want to do something different. Want to turn it into some sort of sweet bread. Cinnamon rolls came to mind.

So I started putting the ingredients and jotted down what I put in. This is purely my experiment.

Into my bread maker:

100 ml water

2 eggs

550 gr bread flour

3 gr salt

75 gr sugar

50 gr milk powder

11 gr yeast

75 gr butter

150 gr mashed banana from 2 bananas.

Once it beeped, flip the dough onto floured board. Weigh each roll 51 grams. I got 21 pieces with extra small one for Max.

Rolled and let sit on parchment in the oven with light on for 30 minutes.

Then start frying them each side until golden brown, flip and do the same.

Let it sit to cool down before putting the tops.

Powdered sugar and chocolate were our choices tonight.

There you go..give it a try and let me know what you think. As I said up there…this is my first experiment.

It was a soft and chewy dough.

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